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DOCUMENTS BY Dima.Mohanna@teluq.ca

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Journal Articles

Mansour, Sari; Mohanna, Dima, & Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle (2021). The dark side of hyperconnectivity in the Accounting profession. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change. https://doi.org/10.1108/JAOC-12-2020-0211

Mohanna, Dima (In Press). L’impact des différences culturelles sur la réaction des managers face aux pratiques budgétaires: une étude comparative entre la France et le Maroc. Revue Question(s) de management.

Mohanna, Dima, & Sponem, Samuel (2020). The impact of the budget process on budgetary slack: the moderating role of uncertainty avoidance and individualism. Comptabilité-contrôle-audit, 26 (2), 46-87.

Mansour, Sari, & Mohanna, Dima (2018). Mediating role of job stress between work-family conflict, work-leisure conflict, and employees' perception of service quality in the hotel industry in France. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, 17 (2), 154-174. https://doi.org/10.1080/15332845.2017.1340755